1 module erasure;
2 import std.meta;
3 import std.traits;
4 import std.conv : to;
6 /++
7  + Substitute σx into σ, replacing all type variables with name $(B x).
8  + This function is primarily used by Π's specialize function.
9  + Structs and Classes can implement $(B SubstituteImpl(σx, x)) to allow specialization.
10  +/
11 template Substitute(σx, string x, σ)
12 {
13     static if (staticIndexOf!(σ, Primatives) != -1)
14     {
15         alias Substitute = σ;
16     }
17     else static if (isArray!σ || isAssociativeArray!σ || isFunctionPointer!σ || isDelegate!σ)
18     {
19         alias Substitute = SubstituteNative!(σx, x, σ);
20     }
21     else static if (isPointer!σ)
22     {
23         alias Substitute = Substitute!(σx, x, PointerTarget!σ)*;
24     }
25     else static if (hasMember!(σ, "SubstituteImpl") && !isPointer!σ)
26     {
27         alias Substitute = σ.SubstituteImpl!(σx, x);
28     }
29     else
30     {
31         // assume σ doesn't contain any free variables by default
32         alias Substitute = σ;
33     }
34 }
36 ///
37 unittest
38 {
39     static assert(is(Substitute!(Object, "x", α!("x")*) == Object*));
40     static assert(is(Substitute!(Object, "x",
41             α!("x") function(α!("x"))) == Object function(Object)));
42 }
44 private alias Primatives = AliasSeq!(void, bool, byte, ubyte, short, ushort,
45         int, uint, long, ulong, float, double, real, ifloat, idouble, ireal,
46         cfloat, cdouble, creal, char, wchar, dchar);
48 private template SubstituteNative(σx, string x, _:
49         τ[], τ)
50 {
51     alias SubstituteNative = Substitute!(σx, x, τ)[];
52 }
54 private template SubstituteNative(σx, string x, _:
55         τ[σ], τ, σ)
56 {
57     alias SubstituteNative = Substitute!(σx, x, τ)[Substitute!(σx, x, σ)];
58 }
60 private template SubstituteNative(σx, string x, _:
61         τ function(σ), τ, σ...)
62 {
63     alias SubstituteNative = Substitute!(σx, x, τ) function(
64             staticMap!(SubstituteCurry!(σx, x), σ));
65 }
67 private template SubstituteNative(σx, string x, _:
68         τ delegate(σ), τ, σ...)
69 {
70     alias SubstituteNative = Substitute!(σx, x, τ) delegate(
71             staticMap!(SubstituteCurry!(σx, x), σ));
72 }
74 private template SubstituteCurry(σx, string x)
75 {
76     alias SubstituteCurry(σ) = Substitute!(σx, x, σ);
77 }
79 /++
80  + A Type Variable is a representation of an unknown type.
81  + The only known property about a type variable is it's size $(B κ).
82  + Two type variables with different names represent two different incompatible types.
83  + Functions that use unbounded type variables should always be private and wrap said function with a forall type.
84  +/
85 struct α(string x, size_t κ = Object.sizeof)
86 {
87     private void[κ] get;
89     template SubstituteImpl(σx, string x2)
90     {
91         static if (x == x2)
92         {
93             static assert(σx.sizeof == κ,
94                     "Kind mismatch: size of " ~ σx.stringof ~ " is not " ~ κ.to!string);
95             alias SubstituteImpl = σx;
96         }
97         else
98         {
99             alias SubstituteImpl = typeof(this);
100         }
101     }
103     static assert(typeof(this).sizeof == κ);
104 }
106 /++
107  + Forall types (called "∀" is system-f) binds a type variable $(B x) in a type $(B σ).
108  + Forall's purpose is represent a type that can be specialized to something else.
109 ---
110 // this can be read as
111 // forall types "x", x function(x)
112 Π!("x", α!("x") function α!("x"))
113 ---
114  +/
115 struct Π(string x, σ)
116 {
117     private σ get;
119     /++
120 	 + A forall type can be specialized into any type that has the same size as the bound type variable $(B x) in $(B σ) including other type variables.
121 	 +/
122     Substitute!(σx, x, σ) specialize(σx)()
123     {
124         return *cast(Substitute!(σx, x, σ)*)(&get);
125     }
127     template SubstituteImpl(σx, string x2)
128     {
129         static if (x == x2)
130         {
131             alias SubstituteImpl = Π!(x, σ);
132         }
133         else
134         {
135             alias SubstituteImpl = Π!(x, Substitute!(σx, x2, σ));
136         }
137     }
138 }
140 /++
141  + A type lambda takes a value with a free type variable $(B x) and binds it inside a Forall type.
142  +/
143 template Λ(string x)
144 {
145 	///
146     Π!(x, σ) Λ(σ)(σ bound)
147     {
148         return Π!(x, σ)(bound);
149     }
150 }
152 ///
153 unittest
154 {
155     // this can be read as
156     // forall types "a", such that "a" has the same size of int. x is a value of type a*  
157     Π!("a", α!("a", int.sizeof)*) x = Λ!("a")(cast(α!("a", int.sizeof)*) null);
158     assert(x.specialize!(int)() == null);
159     assert(x.specialize!(float)() == null);
160 }
162 /++
163  + N arity type lambda.
164  +/
165 template Λ(string x, string y, xs...)
166 {
167     auto Λ(σ)(σ bound)
168     {
169         return .Λ!x(.Λ!(y, xs)(bound));
170     }
171 }
173 /++
174  + Helper mixin template wrapping functions in a foralls.
175  + Given a template $(B symbol), a list a type variables $(B Variables), and a name $(name), this mixin generates two symobls $(B underscore ~ name) and $(B name).
176  + Where $(B underscore ~ name) is a private symbol with free variables and $(B name) is the former wrapped in a forall type.
177 ---
178 // generic identity function in idiomatic D
179 A identityGeneric(A)(A x)
180 {
181     return x;
182 }
184 // generate the symbol "_identityPtr" and the "identityPtr" wrapper
185 mixin Erasure!(identityGeneric, "identityPtr", α!("A", (void*).sizeof));
187 // redefine for clearity
188 enum Π!("A", α!("A", (void*).sizeof) function(α!("A", (void*).sizeof))) identity = identityPtr;
190 // usage
191 unittest
192 {
193     int* x = new int(1);
194     assert(*identity.specialize!(int*)()(x) == 1);
195 }
196 ---
197  +/
198 mixin template Erasure(alias symbol, string name, Variables...)
199 {
200     alias impl = symbol!Variables;
201     alias R = ReturnType!impl;
202     alias A = Parameters!impl;
204     mixin(q{ private R } ~ "_" ~ name ~ q{(A args){
205 		return impl(args);
206 	}});
208     mixin(q{enum } ~ name ~ q{ = Λ!(staticMap!(αName, Variables))(&} ~ "_" ~ name ~ q{);});
209 }
211 version (unittest)
212 {
213     // generic identity function in idiomatic D
214     A identityGeneric(A)(A x)
215     {
216         return x;
217     }
219     // generate the symbol "_identityPtr" and the "identityPtr" wrapper
220     mixin Erasure!(identityGeneric, "identityPtr", α!("A", (void*).sizeof));
222     // redefine for clearity
223     enum Π!("A", α!("A", (void*).sizeof) function(α!("A", (void*).sizeof))) identity = identityPtr;
225     // usage
226     unittest
227     {
228         int* x = new int(1);
229         assert(*identity.specialize!(int*)()(x) == 1);
230     }
232     auto pickLeft(A, B)(A x, B y)
233     {
234         return x;
235     }
237     mixin Erasure!(pickLeft, "pickLeftObj", α!("A"), α!("B"));
239     unittest
240     {
241         import std.range;
242         import std.algorithm;
244         InputRange!int range = pickLeftObj.specialize!(InputRange!int)
245             .specialize!(InputRange!char)()(inputRangeObject(iota(0, 10)), null);
246         assert(equal(range, iota(0, 10)));
247     }
248 }
250 private template αName(σ : α!(x, κ), string x, size_t κ)
251 {
252     enum αName = x;
253 }